NUDE INSIDE A ROOM "Between the small and the large words a white line wavers straight and motionless it breathes. Tiny threads of light roll you gently inside me the words hide your eyes from me straight and motionless; between the red and the white you breathe"
5 σχόλια:
Σήμερα νιώθεις πληθύνοντας την Κωμωδία.(Καρούζος)
"Παρ ότι δεν εξιχνιάζει τίποτα
πλημμύριζε τα πεζοδρόμια
και φύτρωνε"
Μ. Λαϊνά
"Between the small
and the large words
a white line wavers
straight and motionless
it breathes.
Tiny threads of light
roll you gently inside me
the words hide your eyes from me
straight and motionless;
between the red and the white
you breathe"
"Αυτό που ονομάσαμε φθινόπωρο ήτανε μια θεμιτή καθορισμένη αναγκαιότητα[...]" [αναγνωστακης]
Τράβηξε τὶς κουρτίνες της μὲ διάκρισην ἡ νύχτα.(Αναγνωστάκης)
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