Τετάρτη, Φεβρουαρίου 6

Mariza - Chuva

As coisas vulgares que ha na vida / (The usual things in your life)
Nao deixam saudades / (won't make you miss them){"saudade" is a word that can't be translated}
So as lembrancas que doem / (only the hurting memories )
Ou fazem sorrir / (or those which make you smile)
Ha gente que fica na historia / (there are some people who stay in history)
da historia da gente /( our life's history)
e outras de quem nem o nome/( and other who we don't even remember)
lembramos ouvir / (hearing their names)
Sao emocoes que dao vida / (it are the emotions that bring life)
A saudade que trago/ (to the "saudade" that i bring in me)
Aquelas que tive contigo /(those i had with you)
e acabei por perder /(and i've just lost)
Ha dias que /(There are days that)
marcam a alma e a vida da gente /(that leave marks in your soul and in our life)
e aquele em que tu me /(and the one that you've)
deixaste nao posso esquecer /(left me i can not forget)
A chuva molhava-me o rosto /(The rain felt in my face)
Gelado e cansado /(frozen and tired)
As ruas que a cidade tinha /(the streets that the city had)
Ja eu percorrera /(i've went along through them)
Ai... meu choro de moca perdida /(ohh... my young lost girl cry)
gritava a cidade /(I screamed to the city)
que o fogo do amor /(that the fire of love)s
ob chuva /(under the rain)
ha instantes morrera /(died moments ago)
A chuva ouviu e calou /(the rain listenned and silenced)
meu segredo a cidade/(my secret to the city)
E eis que ela bate no vidro/ (and there it knocks on the window glass)
Trazendo a saudade (bringing with it the "saudade")

{"saudade" is a felling that you have when something you like is far away or lost. It's like missing somethingI miss you would correspond in portuguese to : Tenho(have) "saudades" tuas(of you)}



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